If you are one of those people that are afraid of loosing your edges then you must remember to take good care to treat them every day or every two days using a sheer butter, a bit of honey, a bit of coconut oil and castor oil mix, this is so your edges would not be left bald. Also make sure that you get your braids done at the hands of a professional and if the braids feel too tight then simply loosen them at the hairline so it  they won’t pull off your hair. 

As opposed to having a weave on your hair, the million braids or any braids as a matter of fact lets in a lot of air, so that means rather than having a sweaty and itchy scalp you are able to let loose and let the natural breeze dry your sweaty scalp.

Note; For the million braids to last much longer make sure to wash, dry and moisturize at most every two weeks. Here some pretty examples of the million braids for when you head out to the saloon.

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